Trading Sites

Category Info


This is a site where we display our skins and another person has to buy them from us, on this site we have to deposit a skin after which it gets a 7-day trade ban, but users can buy it during this time.

Peer2Peer Market

A site where we trade with other players p2p which means that skins stay all the time in our inventory without having to deposit them on the site.

Bot Trading Site

Site where we trade with a bot we don't have to wait for someone to buy a skin from us, exchanges are instantaneous however we can't withdraw money from such sites we can only exchange for another skin.

Cashout Site

Site where we can instantly exchange skins for real cash, but it involves a much higher fee.

Withdraw Money

Site from which we can withdraw funds (Not including cashout sites).

Required KYC

Site that requires kyc to buy or sell skins (on some sites kyc is not required immediately but from a set limit).